Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Swedish Yule Fair Hamilton,Massachusetts

In Rome do what the Romans do. Today I will do what the Swedes do, and join in the fun of the Swedish Yule Fair. Sometimes one has to join the fun in somebody elses culture and traditions. I walk into this celebration, and everybody is wearing nordic sweaters. The highlight of the celebration was the procession of children dressed in gowns and headpieces. In Swedish tradition the eldest girl wore a crown of candles on Christmas morning , and help serve breakfast. This honor was given to a young girl of the community. I remember reading about this as a child, and remembering if I was a Swede I would of had this honor. This celebration honors St.Lucia patron saint of light.
Eat what the natives are eating. The meatloaf and fish sandwiches are excellent The children are singing Swedish and English Christmas songs. Nordic wares are being sold. Long tables and chairs are spread out. Sit down and join in the conversation.